Babies and Toddlers love playing with rubber ducks. Chances are, these yellow animals are always floating in your little ones’ baths. Now make storytime special with these ducks, goose, duckling books for kids. Toddler, Preschooler, Kindergarten, elementary books – all are included in chronological order of age.

10 Best DUCK Books For Toddler, Preschooler, Early Elementary Kids

duck books for kids

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Duck for President

Age: 4 to 8 years

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No More Pacifier, Duck

Age: 2 to 3 years

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Delly Duck


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Duck in the Fridge

Age: 3 to 7 years

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A Cuddle For Little Duck

is the story of a little ducky as it goes through the day. The pages are full of adorable antics the duck does throughout the day. Be it impressing friends, playing, etc. And finally, it is time for sleep.

The pictures are bright and super cute. (Ages 1-3 years)

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One Duck Stuck

is a story about animals coming to help a duck. The duck is stuck in the mud. Thus the parade of animals begins. Two fish, three munching moose, and many more.

The story rhymes and words have a certain beat to it. Pretty soon your toddler would be singing along. (Ages 1-3 years)

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10 Little Rubber Ducks

is a classic picture book from Eric Carle. Follow the adventure of 10 little rubber ducks. Meet various other animals. Learn to count 1-10. Understand directions. All this with an interesting story.

A highly popular book with toddlers, preschoolers, and parents. (Ages 1-3 years)

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Duck & Goose, Find a Pumpkin

is a sweet story of a pumpkin hunt. Join Duck and Goose as they are hunting for their pumpkin on the log, everywhere! It is a fun and simple read. Easy and suitable for babies to preschoolers.

Check out the popular Duck & Goose series. (Ages 1-3 years)

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Duck on a Tractor

is the sequel to the award-winning book Duck on a Bike. Read the story of a duck who jumps onto a tractor. And decides to drive it around the town. Pretty soon all the other barnyard animals join in.

How do the people around the town react to seeing all the animals on a tractor! This one is a preschool classroom entertaining read. (Ages 2-6 years)

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I Wish That I Had Duck Feet

is suitable for beginner readers. It is the story of a boy who debates on the animals he could be to impress others. And finally decides he is fine being himself.

The reading is funny with quirky illustrations. (Ages 2-6 years)

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Explore My World: Ducklings

is the journey of a wood duck from egg to chick. The pictures are adorable and full of life. Each page contains one or two informational sentences. The text is simple enough for small kids.

Learn how ducklings develop and learn. An interesting nonfictional read. (Ages 3-7 years)

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Duck at the Door

is a laugh riot with all the animals causing havoc. Someone knocks at the door at night. Is it the Duck? Read an find out.

A book about friendship and fun. (Ages 4-8 years) The other recommended books from this series are –

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Truck Full of Ducks

is a book your preschool, elementary kids would love to read again and again. Just who ordered a truck-full of ducks? How would the delivery person Bernie deliver them when one of the ducks ate the directions.

This silly story is full of funny jokes and twists. (Ages 4-8 years)

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Just Ducks!

Learn about mallard ducks through the eyes of a little girl. There is a river outside her city apartment window. and it is full of ducks. The comparison of the child finishing breakfast along with the long time taken by the ducks is adorable.

Learn about duck behavior, sleeping habit, and more. An informational read. (Ages 5-8 years)

Duck & Goose Go to the Beach – Book Read Aloud

Duck Activities For Toddlers & Preschoolers