Stop, look around and take time to smell the flowers. Spend some quality time with your young one reading and learning about these beauties of nature. Colorful illustrations, simple words make these flower books perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, kinder.

Flower Books for Toddler, Preschooler, Kinder

Flower picture books for Toddlers, preschoolers, kinder

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Our Top 3 picks:(click on the image for details)

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Teaches Teamwork through the simple act of gardening
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Amazing lift-the-flap book about growing flowers
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Read about different benefits and uses of special flowers

Check out these 16 flower picture books for children age 0-6 years.

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What’s Inside A Flower? Find out in this beautiful picture book by Rachel Ignotofsky. See how a flower grows from seeds – to roots, stems, and blooms.

The artwork is eye-catchy and sufficiently informative about the science and biology behind flowers.
(Ages 4-7 years)

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The Flower Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta (Author) and Leslie Evans (Illustrator) is fun, and learning rolled into one. S is for Sunflower, C is for Crocus – now teach your toddler alphabets with beautiful flower names and pictures.

There is enough information for each flower to keep elder children engaged for long. (Ages 4-8 years)

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Bees Like Flowers by Rebecca Bielawski. Where there are flowers, there would be bees around. Learn how bees pollinate trees and flowers and make honey.

This nonfiction book also includes basic insect facts and details about few common flowers.
(Ages 2-4 years)

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Flower Coloring Book For Toddlers Let your toddler learn more about flowers with this coloring book. Sunflower, Daisies, Tulips, Lilies, and more – a total of 30 flowers are included.

The pictures are big, fun, and simple enough, making them suitable for small hands.
(Ages 2-4 years)

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THE POWER OF A FLOWER is a story about a few friends who want to grow a flower. They work as a team – from planting, watering to protecting it from insects. Together they work out solutions to the problems they face.

The rhyme flows nicely, and the colorful illustrations complement the adorable story well.
(Ages 3+ years)

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I Can Grow a Flower by DK takes readers through the journey of a seed to flower. With lift-the-flaps, pullout charts, a tiny seed blooms into a big beautiful flower. Unfold the flaps and find out what happens underground.

The simple language and colorful pictures make it interesting for preschoolers.
(Ages 3-5 years)

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Zinnia’s Flower Garden is a perfect book for garden enthusiasts. The story is simple. Zinnia wants to grow a flower garden. So she plants the seeds, waters, takes care, and waits patiently for them to sprout.

In the end, she has a colorful garden in full bloom. There is even a section guiding kids on how to start their very own garden.
(Ages 3-7 years)

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The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle is a popular board book for babies and toddler. Watch the tiny seed grow into flower page by page. The text in interesting and will appeal to kindergarten level kids.

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The Amazing Life Cycle of Plants is a nonfiction picture book about plan life cycle. Learn the process from seed to bud and finally bloom.

Each page has one or two lines with simple text and attractive illustrations. The pictures give a vibe of a farmland. (Ages 5-8 years)

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Look! Flowers! Look around and see flowers and understand how everyone of them is special in their own ways. Understand about the role of flowers in plant’s ecosystem. Read about many benefits of flowers – from medicines, to tea, perfume and more.

There is a section in the ends that includes many varieties of flowers with pictures and names – from exotic to everyday flowers. (Ages 3-6 years)

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Lilla’s Sunflowers is a special book to understand about Army kids. The sweet story is about a child Lilla who works on her sunflower patch with her father. When her father needs to go away, she gives him a sunflower seed to remember by.

Read how the seed brought joy to multiple families across the country. A charming story with colorful illustrations and a positive message.
(Ages 3-6 years)

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Plants in Spring Spring is all about bloom. Learn how beautiful flowers grow in this season from seeds. Each page has only one or two small sentences along with colorful pictures, making it an ideal read-aloud for preschoolers.

Watch plants come alive pages after pages.
(Ages 4-8 years)

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The Big Book of Blooms by Yuval Zommer, introduces young kids to some fascinating plants and flowers from across the world. Read how Bird of Paradise Flower gets pollinated only by small birds, and not insects.

Read about the flowering plant family that existed even 90 million years ago. Learn many such amazing facts about rises, wild-flowers, vines, creepers and more.

The illustrations are quirky and appealing. This popular book is a must have. (Ages 3-5 years)

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Mrs. Peanuckle’s Flower Alphabet iIntroduces kids to 26 different types of flowers from around the world. Read about some lesser-known facts about these flowers.

Read how Peony can live up to 100 years. The artistic illustrations are quite realistic.
(Ages baby-3 years)

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Flowers Color By Number Let your child learn and practice numbers by coloring beautiful floral scenes. Children can color according to the color key or make up their own design.
(Ages 4-8 years)

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Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert is a popular book for babies and toddlers. Plant seeds, bulbs and watch them grow into a beautiful rainbow garden.

With bright vivid images, children will learn the actual flower names. The beauty of the book lies in its simplicity. (Ages 1-4 years)

Also check out these fun preschool Spring activities using flowers.

Watch this read-aloud of the book What’s Inside A Flower? by Author Rachel Ignotofsky -curtesy Brightly Storytime.