Koala! The picture of the cute critter hugging tress is what comes to every mind. But did you know that koalas actually hug trees in summer to cool down! Read fascinating stories about this adorable Australian animal to your child. And learn more about Koalas from the books listed below.

7 Super Cute Koala Books For Kids

koala books for kids

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Check out these 7 Koala books for kids. The books are in chronological order of age.

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Koala Claire’s Busy Day is a sweet story about a young Koala, Claire. She does not want to go to sleep. So, she fills her day with continuous activities.

Young kids would find the story relatable. The story is in rhymes. Pictures are big and bright. A suitable nighttime read. (Ages Baby-7 years)

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Good Night, Little One Different animals say goodnight to each body part. Kids can also kiss, touch each body part like – nose, toes, etc. Suitable for teaching your baby about different body parts.

The interactive element of the book makes the reading fun. The inside pictures are as cute as the Koala mother and baby on the cover. (Ages Baby-4 years)

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The Koala Who Could is about embracing change and getting out of one’s shell. Kevin the koala wants everyday to be same, safe and secure in his tree house.

Read on to find out how he embraces change. It is an inspiring rhyming read. Perfect read-aloud for preschool or kindergarten classrooms. (Ages 3-5 years)

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So Cute! Koalas. Koalas have fuzzy bodies, fluffy ears, brown eyes – a super cute combination. But behind this cuteness overload, there is a layer of sassy attitude as well.

This series from National Geographic kids combines adorable pictures with silly, informational text. Super fun learning for the entire family. (Ages 3-5 years)

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Fluffles: The Brave Koala Who Held Strong Through A Bushfire . The nonfiction story is about a coala- Fluffles who remained string through bushfires in South Australia. Through her wit, she managed to save herself.

After being rescued, she was treated for her winds. And set an example of spreading love. The story is heartwarming. And handled well for young audience. (Ages 4-7 years)

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Koala Coloring Book is for Koala-loving kids. The 40 illustrations are enough to keep the little one busy for hours. The pictures are big and do not repeat. Also included are dots, mazes, and more.

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The Ultimate Koala Book for Kids is for kids who want to learn about Koalas. It has 100 incredible Coala facts along with gorgeous pictures. The facts are interesting and fun to learn.

Test your learnings with the quiz and word search puzzle. (Ages 5-10 years)

Koala Crafts Activities For Kids

  1. Create a hanging Koala with the template from I Heart Crafty Things. It is a simple activity that preschool and kindergarten kids can do with little help
  2. This paper plate Koala craft is super simple. Just download the sample from Simple Everyday Mom. Cut, paste, color, and done!
  3. This Toilet paper roll Koala craft from Red Ted Art is absolutely adorable. YOu will have a blast doing this with your little one.

Read-aloud of the book Kira the Koala

courtesy: Kid’s Story Time