Kindergarten is the right age to introduce kids to diverse cultural books as children start preparing for school life. The world of books and outside intersect many times, and children draw references from books as needed.

The below picture books handle the concept of multi-culture and diversity in an age -appropriate way. With beautiful illustrations and simple stories, these books are suitable for kindergarten to 3rd graders.

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Children’s Multicultural Picture Books (Grades K-3)

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What I Like About Me

This book is all about what is good and special about being different. While children from different parts and races discuss and identify what is different in their physical appearance and how they just love it. The mirror in the last page lets the readers look at own image and see what is different and special about them. A good book to celebrate diversity.

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The Colors of Us

written by the author for her daughter, Lena – who they adopted from Guatemala. The story narrates how seven year old Lena wants to paint a picture of herself. In the process of painting her skin color, Lena learns that brown comes in different shades. Kids find it fun having to match their skin color with the color of the skin from the group of childrens’ hands inside the book. A book to normalize multi-culture and make it part of daily life.

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Hair Love

This book is about the bond between a black father and his daughter. Zuri has to get dressed up for a special occasion and het father is tasked with getting her hair ready. The story narrates how the father initially struggles with Zuri’s thick and curly hair and eventually manages to accomplish the task. A beautifully illustrated book that is sure to invoke a dialogue about different hair types of different cultures.

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Get Up, Stand Up

A healt-felt book with a powerful message about standing up for yourself, your friends, and what is right. It scores a huge point for the multicultural representations, which is often ignored in childrens’ books. Beautiful illustrations compliment the story well, making this short read a favorite with 5-8 years.

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Whoever You Are

Children around the laugh, cry, play, get hurt. Even though they may not look the same, but inside all are alike. A good multicultural book for kids to introduce the concept of diversity. We all look different, but more alike.

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Only You Can Be You

The authors mother-son due crafted this beautiful book from their own experience of struggle, and it shows in every page. Every child is different in their unique way, and this book encourages children to let them be what they are, instead of trying to adjust to others’ standards. Beautifully illustrated diverse children and animals throughout the book, make this book ideal for a lesson in diversity. A perfect book with a powerful message delivered humorously.

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Language That We All Can Speak

This book narrates the story of a little girl starting a new school and meeting a diverse group of children. However, they all make her feel welcome. It is a book teaching kindness, empathy, acceptance amongst diversity in a way, that only children can. Beautiful illustrations and small words make this book a perfect read-aloud for kids.

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Every Night Is Pizza Night

Food is a big part of any culture and this book weaves a beautiful story around it. A small girl- Pipo, thinks that pizza is the best food, and she sets out on that quest in her neighborhood to prove it. However, after testing different foods from different regions and loving some of them, she is not so sure anymore. This book encourages children to be open-minded and try new things. With food, fun, science in one book, this one is a must on every child’s bookshelves.

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Different is NOT Bad

Introduce your child to dinosaur Steve and his best friends – dragon Diggory Doo, and unicorn Dazzle D. And learn along with the dino kids – that behind any disagreement, differences, issues – we can still learn to respect each other and make this world a beautiful place. It teaches kids to embrace diversity, in a lighthearted way. The much needed lesson in our diverse world.