Multicultural books are helpful for kids to build a sense of familiarity with different cultures early on. The list below covers a rainbow of stories, all delivering a powerful message about the celebration of difference. Check out these beautiful picture books recommended by parents of Toddlers and Preschoolers.

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Multicultural Books – Toddlers & Preschoolers (1-4 Years)

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We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga

This award-winning book is about the Cherokee community, a Native American group. Follow a full Cherokee year of celebrations and experiences with this book. It also includes an appended glossary and the complete Cherokee syllabary.

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Where Are You From?

A little girl is asked one question very frequently – where are you from? And she does not seem to have a satisfying answer. So she turns to her father for help. With beautiful words, her father makes her aware of the family background. This award-winning picture book is for all kids from culturally diverse families.

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Our Favorite Day of the Year

Follow four boys from different cultural backgrounds throughout the year and learn the holidays they celebrate, their favorite foods, etc. This charming story narrates how kids from different backgrounds, can be friends and celebrate all festivals together. There is a calendar of holidays in the end. The list includes both religious and non-religious holidays.

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Becoming Vanessa

It is Vanessa’s first day of school, and she wore her fanciest outfit. However, throughout the day, she realizes how different she is from other kids. Her name also is not easy as others. After coming back home Vanessa tells her mother that she wants to be like others and blend in. That is when her mother tells her the meaning of her name. Read how Vanessa becomes confident about who she is and still makes friends. With gorgeous illustrations and a beautiful message, this book is for all different kids trying to mix in a new group.

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What We Wear

This book is a celebration of different clothes worn in many parts of the world. It showcases beautiful images of children in various dresses from around the world. The message is that irrespective of looks, everyone is unique and beautiful in their own ways. The book encourages kids to explore clothes from other cultures at folk festivals, museums, etc.

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Children Around the World

Meet 12 children of 12 countries from 6 continents. And read about their language, food, clothing, schooling, and daily life of their region, etc. The entire book is written in the first person from each child’s perspective. The countries covered are – Philippines, Tanzania, China, Australia, Canada, Morocco, the United States, India, Mexico, Japan, Greece, and Bolivia.

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A World of Cookies for Santa

Go on a journey with Santa across the globe on Christmas Eve, and learn how different parts of the world celebrate their winter holiday. The illustrations are playfully done, making this a perfect read-aloud. Check out the traditional cookie recipes for six different regions in the end. You can make them with your child.

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Ten Tiny Babies

This book describes the activities ten babies do the entire day. With the babies representing different races, cultures, it makes this concept of multi-culture for kids a natural part of our world. Kids can easily relate to the activities babies do the entire day, forming a bond between them. This highly loved book is perfect for bedtime.

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It’s OK to be Different

This multicultural book celebrates individuality. Every child is unique in their way. With representation from different races and physical abilities, this book covers all. This book is all about diversity and how you should love everyone. A message to be learned at young age indeed!

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Shades of People

This book covers the most notable aspect of the difference in our cultures – the skin colors. With real pictures of children and families from around the world, in all colors, this book introduces the concept of ethnicity and multi-culture in the simplest way. Keeping it suitable and interesting for children, it is filled with adjectives describing the skin tone, along with bright smiling pictures.

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Babies Around the World

Learn how babies look around the world and learn to greet in their language. The concept of the book is deliberately kept simple without sounding preachy, to make it suitable for toddlers. Take your child for a trip around the world as he or she meets kids from Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris, Cape Town, Cairo, Beijing, Tokyo, and New York City. A fun tour indeed!

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Diversity Ninja

This diversity book is from the popular children’s series Ninja Life Hacks. With easy-to-understand examples of how racism works, this book teaches the young readers difference between right and wrong. It tells how it is wrong to judge someone just based on appearance or skin color. Everyone is the same and the world needs more friendship, empathy, and acceptance. A book appropriate for children age 1 year and above.

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Full, Full, Full of Love

This is a simple story about a family and celebration of their loving bond – with the focus being on a small boy and his grandma. A nice way to introduce kids and talk about different family members. Where this book stands out is that the story is about a Afrcian-American family, which is so rare as most books have Caucasian children in them. A nice addition to any child’s library to discuss different races.

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The Name Jar

Unhei, a girl who just moved form Korea is anxious to make friends in new school. Her classmates can not pronounce her name, so she decides to choose an American name. Her new helpful classmates start filling out a name jar for her to choose from. But when a friend comes to know the meaning of her name, the jar goes missing and everyone is happy to call Unhei by her real name. There are small information about Korea presented throughput the book. A cute picture book with story about embracng diversity.

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Scribble Stones

It is the story of a little stone who dreams of becoming something great but ends up becoming an uninteresting paperweight. However, soon it makes two new friends and ends up bringing joy to many people. The story teaches children about celebrating diversity and how being different is a good thing. The fun activities from the book keep the children occupied for longer.

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A Rainbow of Friends Coloring Book

This coloring book teaches the concept of multi-culture with a favorite tool of kids – the crayons. With, a simple poem called “rainbow of friends” narrating how everyone is unique in their own way but still the same, the poem teaches children about empathy.