Does your child get excited looking at underwater creates? The below books on ocean life is the perfect addition to your little one’s bookshelf.

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Also check out the other animal books for toddlers here.

Ocean Animal Books For Toddlers

Watch your child marvel at looking at the different types of sharks.

The funny book on the giant squid would provide endless laughter. The coloring and I spy books are for the days when stuck indoors. There is a book for every occasion for your little marine lover.

Guess Who Ocean Friends

Guess Who Ocean Friends - a ocean animal book for toddlers

Guess Who Ocean Friends by Jodie Shepherd(Author), Laura Ovresat(Illustrator). A lift-the-flap book – with a turtle, sea lion, lobster, clownfish, and shark.

Recite the simple rhymes and let your child uncover the simple clue, and guess which animal is waiting on the next page. The book is gorgeous with beautiful illustrations.


Sharks - a ocean animal book for toddlers

Sharks by American Museum of Natural History. Introduce your little one to nine different types of sharks – from the five-foot-long blue one to the school bus-sized whale shark.

The tabs of the book make it easy for the kids to compare pictures of different sharks. The board book pages are cut out in the shape of the featured shark. The pictures are amazing. This one is a highly recommended book by parents of young kids.

Hello, World! Ocean Life

Hello, World! Ocean Life - a ocean animal book for toddlers

Hello, World! Ocean Life by Jill McDonald. Learn all about the ocean, and its creates in this beautiful board book. The illustrations are colorful and easily recognizable by small kids.

Each picture is accompanied by name of the animal and few easy, fun facts about it. The sentences are simple and easily understandable by 2 to 3-year-olds. This one is one of the must-have books for your young one’s bookshelf.

I Spy Ocean Animals

I Spy Ocean Animals - a ocean animal book for toddlers

I Spy Ocean Animals. This ocean animal puzzle book is designed for younger children. Let your child discover the hidden pictures and color them. It is a fun interactive book to keep your toddler engaged for hours.

Silly Sea Creatures

Silly Sea Creatures - a ocean animal book for toddlers

Silly Sea Creatures. Go on an underwater adventure and discover the silly creatures living there. Meet a singing starfish or an organized octopus and find out how these sea creatures like to spend their day.

A fun rhyming book – perfect for read-aloud and build your toddler’s vocabulary. Your child would surely enjoy the silicone touch and feel experience.

Under the Sea

Under the Sea - a ocean animal book for toddlers

Under the Sea. A pop-up Peekaboo book to uncover what lies under the sea. Meet the Stripy Fish, Diving Dolphin, Ollie Octopus, and many more!

The rhyming is catchy and easily memorizable by 2 to 3-year-olds. The fun pop-ups and bright colors keep your child engaged for longer.

I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean!

I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean! - a ocean animal book for toddlers

I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean! Your child would fall in love with the giant squid in this book. Discover the under-ocean life as the squid goes on bragging to the shrimp, jellyfish, turtles, and more.

The bold, bright artistic illustrations are sure to draw your child’s attention. The story is humorous with a happy ending. The simple text is perfectly suitable for a read-aloud. Pretty soon, your child would have the entire book memorized.

Ocean Creatures (Look & Learn)

Ocean Creatures (Look & Learn) - a ocean animal book for toddlers

Ocean Creatures (Look & Learn) by National Geographic Kids. Learn and see all the charming creatures living under the ocean and be mesmerized.

The board book is sturdy with bright pictures. And texts are informative. This national geographic book is perfect to inspire your little one to learn more about the ocean.

Coloring Book for Toddlers

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Coloring Book for Toddlers. This coloring book contains 25 pictures of creates living under the ocean. Let your child color the stingray, jellyfish, crabs, seahorses, and other marine lives.

Children would learn more about the sea lives while coloring them. A perfect book to keep your child engaged for hours.

Why do kids need to learn about the ocean life?

70% of the earth’s surface is covered by the oceans. They produce over half of the world’s oxygen. Thus oceans play an important role in regulating the world climate. Ocean route forms a crucial part of modern transportation. Hence, children need to learn and appreciate the ocean and its ecosystem.
Teaching the kids early about ocean life would help them understand the value and make them appreciate marine life more.

Also, check out arctic animal books for toddlers here.

Short On Time? Check Our Favorite Books

The above book list is perfect to start your child on the journey of learning about marine life. All of these books contain age-appropriate contents and pictures, making learning easy. The materials are safe for young hands and sturdy.

The below books remain our absolute favorite from this list.