Are you looking for picture books about kindness for children? The below list has a variety of them in the age group – toddlers to early readers.
With simple stories, beautiful illustrations, and rhyming words, the books teach the children why one needs to be kind. And how a simple act of kindness can create a positive effect and make the world a better place.
While there are books listing activities kids can do regularly, as the act of kindness, there is even a book without any word, highlighting how the act of kindness can be silent. A positive message of kindness for future citizens of the world.
Picture Books About Kindness

I Walk with Vanessa
This is a wordless picture book for kids showing how a single act of kindness can create positive change. The story is about one girl standing up for her friend, who is being bullied. Using only pictures to narrate the story, the book highlights that, even a simple act, without a word, is capable of making changes. Check here on Amazon.

Kindness Grows
Britta Teckentrup
This one is a beautifully illustrated book showing the journey of anger. It tells that while angry or harsh words cause a crack in friendship, kindness nurtures it. A beautifully designed book with detailed cutouts, make this book a visual delight. Check here on Amazon.

You Are Kind
Michael Gordon (Author)
This picture book explains empathy and kindness to preschoolers. A beautiful story narrating a mother teaching kindness to her child. The child- Josh, is kind and helps his mother with errands and others in need. Beautifully illustrated book apt for teaching kindness to preschoolers and kindergarteners. Check here on Amazon.

The Maker of Oils
Connie-Vee Hawkins (Author), Steven “Sash” Scott (Illustrator)
It is a short story set in a far ancient village. It teaches children about the joy of giving. A beautifully illustrated picture book, to educate children about the act of kindness. Check here on Amazon.

I am Blue but not Bad
Nafisa Millwala and Arwa Millwala
An accident changed a fox to blue. So his friends ran away from him. Though angry at first, the fox became kind to others, and things started changing. A beautiful story touching on different emotions and teaching about sharing and helping others. A picture-book for kids aged 1 to 5, perfect as a great bedtime story. Check here on Amazon.

Harry’s Lovely Spring Day
Ng K (Author), Janelle Dimmett (Illustrator)
A city mouse Harry, faces trouble when a stranger – Katie helps him. As a sweet gesture, Harry sets out to find Katie and thank her. This rhythming book narrates how he finds Katie with the help of others on the way. A beautiful picture book, teaching children the beauty of kindness. Check here on Amazon.

Little Lost Fox
Carolina Rabei
A little girl loses her toy. In the process of finding the toy, she ends up helping a lonely fox cub. A sweet adventure picture book, showcasing how anyone can be kind to others. Check here on Amazon.

Help Hungry Henry Win the Kindness Competition
Esther Pia Cordova (Author), Maria Burobkina (Illustrator)
A fun story teaching children, how helping others can be exciting. It lists out few activities which children can do as an act of kindness. The story is simple and relatable, making this easy to understand for young children. Illustrations are fun and exciting. Check here on Amazon.

I Choose Kindness
Elizabeth Estrada (Author)
This is a beautifully illustrated kindness pictures book for early readers. It tells the story of Olivia and how she learns that kindness is a choice, anyone can make. A perfect book for children to teach them that they can learn to control anger and exercise kindness in most situations. Check here on Amazon.

Kindness Snippet Jar
Diane Alber (Author)
A snippet wants to live in a kindness jar. But to get its word, it has to perform an act of kindness first. A fun book- encouraging children to find their inner kindness. A beautifully illustrated and humorous book, get the message of kindness to children easily. The activity of making a snippet jar is an added bonus. Check here on Amazon.