If you are on a long road trip or simply stuck at home and your child is complaining about getting bored, this list of Would You Rather Questions for kids would come in really handy. I have a 9-year-old at home and from experience, I can say that tweens are super enthusiastic about any question answer kind of game.
Would You Rather Questions are also thought-provoking, since every answer has to have a reason behind it. It helps children hone their logical thinking. And a good ice breaker too.
Check out the below list of Would Your Rather Questions for your tween. They are funny, while also being age-appropriate.
Table of contents
100+ Would You Rather Questions For Tweens
A list of 100+ laugh out loud funny and though provoking Would You Rather Questions for you tweens. They are age appropriate and perfect for 9 to 12-year-olds.

- Would you rather jump like a frog or hop like a kangaroo?
- Would you rather live with a crocodile or live with a lion?
- Would you rather have furs like a rabbit or quills like a porcupine?
- Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat?
- Would you rather have hooved feet like cow or webbed feet like duck?
- Would you rather swim with dolphins or swim with ducks?
- Would you rather have a trunk like elephant or tail like monkey?
- Would you rather have long neck like a giraffe or long ears like a rabbit?
- Would you rather be a tiger or a lion?
- Would you rather stay with a pig entire day or stay with a skunk entire day?
- Would you rather be tiny like a mouse or huge like an elephant?
- Would you rather move like a snail or move like a tortoise?
- Would you rather fly like an eagle or run like a cheetah?
- Would you rather have a kitten pet or a lion baby?
- Would you rather by a fly or a cockroach?
- Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet dinosaur?
- Would you rather be friends with monkeys or friends with fishes?
- Would you rather fly like a butterfly or swim like a fish?
- Would you rather ride a horse or ride and elephant?
- Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?
- Would you rather give up ice-cream or give up chocolate?

- Would you rather eat raw cabbage or raw cauliflower?
- Would you rather take bath in salt water or sugar water?
- Would you rather eat ten hot peppers or ten lemons?
- Would you rather smell like candy or smell like pizza?

- Would you rather put peanut butter on your hair or cheese on your hair?
- Would you rather eat sandwich for a month or pasta for a month
- Would you rather eat pizza dipped in milk or pasta in sugar syrup?
- Would you rather drink only juice or only hot chocolate for entire day?
- Would you rather have all your food with ketchup or all your food with mayo?
- Would you rather give up cookies or give up chips for one year?
- Would you rather eat only vegetables or only fruits for one week?
- Would you rather eat a disgusting looking food or a bad smelly food?
- Would you rather eat only breakfast or one dinner for entire year?
- Would you rather eat only red color food or only white color food?
- Would you rather live entire year eating just pasta or drinking only chocolate milk?
- Would you rather be the teacher’s favorite or the naughtiest kid?

- Would you rather excel in sports or excel in maths?
- Would you rather be rich or be popular in school?
- Would you rather have extra classes or no summer break?
- Would you rather be classroom dustbin or classroom blackboard?
- Would you rather be friend with Harry or friend with Harmione at school?
- Would you rather do extra homework or attend extra class?
- Would you rather be school principal or school sports teacher?
- Would you rather wear uniform to school or wear whatever you like?
- Would you rather be a smart kid or a popular kid at school?
- Would you rather sit alone in a cafeteria or sit with someone you dislike?
- Would you rather cycle to school or take school bus?
- Would you rather have good grades or good friends?
- Would you rather repeat school year or have no friends at school?

- Would you rather join music club or chess club at school?
- Would you rather like to attend school during day or at night?
- Would you rather be get the best grades or be the best dancer at school?
- Would you rather sit next to a smelly friend or next to a clean student you dislike?
- Would you rather be a teacher or be a student?
- Would you rather sit alone in school bus or sit alone for lunch?
- Would you rather have a messy hair or ketchup in your shirt on picture day?
- Would you rather cry in front of whole class or be caught cheating in exam?
- Would you rather burf or fart in front of the class?
- Would you rather be locked in gym locker or school bathroom?
- Would you rather be yelled at or fall down in front of whole class?
- Would you rather sleep in a room full of flies or in a room full of cockroaches
- Would you rather smell vomit or smell fart?
- Would you rather eat earthworms or eat cockroaches?
- Would you rather eat rotten egg or rub rotten egg on your face?
- Would you rather lick a dirty trash or a bathroom floor?

- Would you rather look like a skunk or smell like skunk?
- Would you rather eat moldy food or trashcan food?
Misc Topics
- Would you rather have all white clothes or all black clothes?
- Would you rather never take bath or never brush your teeth?
- Would you rather have all younger siblings or all elder siblings?
- Would you rather sleep entire day or play entire day?
- Would you rather fight with your best friend or get scolded by parents?
- Would you rather like to feel itchy or get tickled?
- Would you rather travel always or live in your favorite place for entire life?
- Would you rather be a famous singer or a rich person?
- Would you rather have a tree growing out of your head or water spilling out of your ears?

- Would you rather look like a candy or look like popcorn?
- Would you rather be a zookeeper or a lifeguard at sea?
- Would you rather group up or become younger?
- Would you rather be Harry potter or Spiderman?
- Would you rather go to a circus or go to a waterpark?
- Would you rather take bath in very hot water or in very cold water?
- Would you rather walk with your hands or crawl with your stomach?
- Would you rather have mouth at the back of your head or eyes at the back?
- Would you rather like to run fast or swim fast?
- Would you rather paint your entire house black or red?
- Would you rather be able to live underwater or fly like a bird?

- Would you rather travel for one year in a train or in a flight?
- Would you rather be a police car or an ambulance?
- Would you rather live by the sea or near the mountain?
- Would you rather have the superpower to be invisible or fly?
- Would you rather spend one week at a theme park or at a zoo?
- Would you rather have toys and no friends or have friends and no toys?
- Would you rather live alone in a desert or alone in a island?
- Would you rather wash dishes or wash clothes?
- Would you rather sleep in a cave or sleep on a boat?

- Would you rather play soccer or play baseball?
- Would you rather bake a birthday cake or bake a pie?
- Would you rather clean take out the trash or clean the bathtub?
- Would you rather wear inside out shirt or inside out socks?
Where Can You Play Would You Rather Questions Game?
With this set of questions, the opportunities of where you and your child can play this game are endless. However, here are few ways listed to give you some ideas.
- On a long road trip, whip out this list and let the entire family take turns in answering. A pretty good alternative to watching electronics, and the whole family gets to bond.
- If your child is having friends over, give them the list to play. The answer choices are sure to get many laughs.
- Teach your child to play this game as an ice breaker. Watch her or him make friends easily.
- Bored at home? Play this game with the entire family participating.
- A perfect game for any kind of school or social outing. Like a class trip, overnight camping, etc.
- If you are waiting at the doctor’s office or grocery line with an impatient kid at tow, start this game.
The limit is endless. So get your fun mood on and start playing.